How Do I Overcome Anxiety and Fear?
Derek Olsen answers the question from today’s “Asking for a Friend,” series with truth and encouragement from Scripture on how to overcome anxiety and fear.
Derek Olsen answers the question from today’s “Asking for a Friend,” series with truth and encouragement from Scripture on how to overcome anxiety and fear.
This week, as part of the “Asking for a Friend,” series, Derek Olsen teaches on what the Bible says about money, giving and our hearts. Watch to the end to see Derek’s conversation with some of this year’s graduates.
Derek Olsen looks at the topic of reconciliation from the lives of brothers Jacob and Esau in the Old Testament.
Guest speaker Joey Link of Parenting Made Practical teaches on the Biblical standard for leading our families along with practical tips for good leadership in the home.
This week Derek Olsen teaches on the freedom that is possible in Christ. We can step away from shame and step into a new life with Jesus.
This week, Derek Olsen answers the question, “Do all religions lead to God”? Ultimately, Jesus is the way, the truth and the life, and Olsen teaches that life without Christ is exhausting and empty.
1. In Jesus, what is empty is filled.
2. In Jesus, what is dead is raised.
3. In Jesus, what is owed is forgiven.
Lead Pastor Derek Olsen teaches this week on the truths about where people go when they die. Both Heaven and Hell are real and our faith in Christ and response to His offer of salvation are a key part of this weekend’s lesson.
This week, Derek Olsen, answers questions about baptism. What does it mean? Why is it important? Is baptism really something that we need to do?
In this message from the “Asking for a Friend”series.Lead Pastor Derek Olsen answers the question, “If God is good, why does He allow pain and suffering?”