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Sex and Sexuality

Talking about Sex and Sexuality is a hard subject. Here you can click the link and go to the Center of Faith website and see what Dr. Preston Sprinkle gives to help those having these conversations.

Center of Faith Website

How to talk to your Kids and Teens about Sex

Don't know where to start this conversation with your kids? Focus on the Family can give you a starting point, and give you ways to give them a healthy idea of Sex starting at 1!

Focus on the Family PDF

Focus on the Family Website

Resources 2
Resource 3

Books from our Sermon Series!

Here are a few books mentioned in our sermon series that are good resources for you and your family!

Embodied-Preston Sprinkle

Love Thy Body-Nancy Pearcy

Stopping Porn Addiction



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Video Series

This YouTube series follows the life and story of Guy Hammond. It is a 3 part video series that talks about Guy's struggle with homosexuality and his walk back to Jesus. Part one is connected on the left.

Part 2

Part 3