The Mark of a Disciple: Living Out the Great Commission
Derek Olsen finished up the Mark of a Disciple series with this message on the importance of living out “the great commission,” in our lives.
Derek Olsen finished up the Mark of a Disciple series with this message on the importance of living out “the great commission,” in our lives.
It’s Resurrection Sunday! Join Pastor Derek Olsen as he teaches about the life transformation that comes through the resurrection power of Jesus.
Derek Olsen leads us to examine seven sayings of Jesus at the time of His death, moving us to apply the heart principles to our lives.
This weekend Derek Olsen teaches on the history and importance of the Lord’s supper challenging us to look forward to Christ’s return, backward to His sacrifice, inward at our own hearts and outward to a changed way of life.
Derek Olsen continues the Mark of a Disciple series with this message from Mark 12.
Pastor Derek continues on the series Mark of a Disciple. This week he talks about Herod and John the Baptist and how Herod’s choices led him down a dark path.
Pastor Derek continues on the series “The Mark of a Disciple.” When Jesus calls us to do His work He prepares us and He “Qualifies” us to do what He asks of us.
Pastor Derek continues on the series “The Mark of a Disciple.” He talks about the unbelief of his family and his hometown of who He was. Are we plagued with unbelief? Do we have a hard time believing in who Jesus is?
In week 5 of the Mark of a Disciple series, Derek Olsen teaches on how to have peace in the storms of life.
Derek Olsen teaches this week from Mark 3 on the differences between following Jesus closely or from afar.