God Over Fear

Derek Olsen continues the Joseph series with this timely message of overcoming fear through the power of God.

And in the End

Dave Zanolla teaches this week on the importance of the forgiveness in our lives and towards others in the end.

Joseph: God Meant it for Good

Derek Olsen finishes up the Joseph series with a powerful reminder that God uses the hard things in our lives to bring about good.

Lessons in Forgiveness

Derek Olsen teaches from Joseph’s life tips for putting forgiveness into place in our lives.

Joseph Meets His Brothers

Cullen Hartley preaches this morning in place of Derek Olsen, continuing through the Joseph series. This week Cullen shows us how God makes truth clearly known to His people, how our actions have long-term consequences, and how God’s glory manifests when His people persevere through trials.

When Doing What is Right Can Go Wrong

This week, Derek Olsen teaches on the importance of living with integrity when faced with temptation as he unpacks the Biblical account of Joseph and Potipher’s wife.

Joseph: The Pit of Despair

Derek Olsen continues the Joseph series with this week’s sermon about Joseph’s brothers selling him and sending him to Egypt.

Living on a Dream and a Prayer

As we begin a new summer series on the life of Joseph, Pastor Derek Olsen teaches on the lessons learned from the life of Joseph. This week, Derek shares truths about favoritism, disbelief, rejection and more emotions and actions that can lead to a life without freedom.